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Biography [/writers]
AKA - author pseudonyms, aliases, nicknames ...
Biographical Dictionary
DeadOr Alive
Laurie DT Mann -Dead People Server
David Carson - Who's Alive and Who's Dead
National Obituary Archive
Social Security Death Index

Women In History [/writers]
American Women's History: A Research Guide - past and present
4000 Years of Women Scientists
History of Women in Sports Timeline
Internet Women's History Sourcebook - Fordham University.
National Women's Hall of Fame - USA
National Women's History Project - USA
Women's History - resources from Thomson Gale - History Links

Historical Research & Reference [/writers]
American Institute of Physics - Center for History of Physics
1911 Encyclopedia Britannica
Exploring Ancient World Cultures
Paul J. Gans - the Medieval Technology Pages America | Asia | Economic | Europe | Latin America | NZ | Russia | World | Today in History
Paul Halsall - Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Beau A.C. Harbin - NetSERF - Medieval Resources on the Web
HyperHistory Online - 3K years of world history
The Internet Classics Archive
The Labyrinth: Resources for Medieval Studies
Lacus Curtius: Into The Roman World
George P. Landow (Brown University) - The Victorian Web
Donna Jan Pridmore - Literary History
Library of Congress - American Memory - Historical Collections
Literary Liaison - Researching the Historical Romance
Manchester Medieval portal - "comprehensive guide to other Medieval history material available on the Internet"
MultiEducator, Inc. - History Central
California Digital Library - Online Archive of California
The Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL) - "a collection of some of the most important literary works of Classical and Medieval civilization"
ORB: The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies
Maria C. Pantelia - Electronic Resources for Classicists: The Second Generation
The Perseus Digital Library - Literature, history, art, and archaeology
Project Gutenberg
Charlotte Dillon - Research Links for Writers
Romarch - "Web resources on the art and archaeology of Italy and the Roman provinces, ca. 1000 BC - AD 700"
Rutgers University Libraries - American and British History links as well as many general reference sources
SCA - Arts and Sciences of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
THL Stefan li Rous (Mark Harris) - Stefan's Florilegium - SCA resources from accessories and animals to weddings
C. Otis Sweezey - The History of Costume
Voice of the Shuttle - History Links
Doug Weller - Archaeological/Skeptical Resources
The WWW Virtual Library site on Medieval European History
Yahoo! - History Links by Time Period
Romance Authors Research Links - not just for romance authors
VA Romance Writers - Research Links - not just for romance writers

Dates & History [/writers] - Today In History lists - with archives
AlternaTime - a collection of Timelines on the Web
Ambit's Today in History
Franklin C. Baer - Born On This Day - 80K entries
Steve and Sally Browning - WhoWhatWhen - Interactive Historical Timelines
Calendar, holiday and celebration links
Donna Campbell - Brief Timeline of American Literature and Events pre-1620 - 1920
Chase's Calendar of Events - the classic. Find it at your local public library.
CNN - Daily News Almanac - "on this day" &c. now defunct. 1996-1998 archives available
Craig J Copi - Today's Events calendar
Crazy, Unknown, Bizarre ... Holidays and Observances
The Daily Bleed - Anarchist Timeline
The Daily Bleed - Daily Calendar
Darwin-L - Today in the Historical Sciences - by month. archives. 1000-1999. Timelines by topic or decade. On This Day feature. By year. By keyword.
Michael Denning - Formation of American Culture (1920-present)
dMarie Time Capsule - for a given date
Earth Calendar - holidays by date, country, religion. lunar phases
EdGate - Calendar - and archives
440 International - Those Were The Days - archives
Paul J. Gans - Medieval Technology Timeline
B. Gabriel Helou - Poor Gabriel's Almanac - To get back issues, send "get today today.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0930) in a message to
History Channel - This Day in History - articles & archives
HistoryOrb - Today in History
InfoPlease - This Day In History
InfoPlease - Daily Almanac
InfoPlease - Twentieth Century - year by year
Library of Congress - Today in History - archives
National Academy of Engineering - Greatest Engineering Achievements of the 20th Century
Netscape @ Play - What Happened On Your Birthday?
NYTimes - On This Day - archives - "free" subscription required
Old Farmer's Almanac
On This Day - & archives
Algis Ratnikas - Timelines of History - one of THE BEST history date/time sites - Daily Almanac huge bundle of links to "of the day" sites
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Timelines
Scope Systems - Any Day in History - On This Day - searchable archives w/ a Canadian slant
Today in Science
blamepro's Almanac - today in history w/ archives
Worldwide Holiday & Festival Site

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