Frequently Asked Questions

Questions regarding misc.writing.moderated and the moderation policies

This document can be retrieved from the web:
or by sending an email to mwm-request/at/panix.com with the subject "send FAQ".

Currently the FAQ is in a state of flux as the group settles down with its new moderation team and software.

  1. What's all that about?
  2. What is the purpose of this group?
  3. Why is it moderated?
  4. How is it moderated?
  5. What if my news provider/ISP won't let me post?
  6. Where do I find out more information?

  1. Q: What's all that about?

    A: A while ago, misc.writing.moderated was run using the automod software. For various reasons that set-up lapsed and the group was effectively dead. It has recently been resurrected using the STUMP moderation software. The team of humans behind the software curtain is also slightly different. This document has been edited from the old FAQ and is bound to change as we come to terms with the new software and what it can and cannot do. Any comments or suggestions for this FAQ should be sent to j.v.ashby/at/rl.ac.uk.

  2. Q: What is the purpose of this group?

    A: Misc.writing.moderated exists to provide a writing forum that is not particular to any specific genre, but which provides focussed discussion on the art, craft, business and creative process of writing in a positive atmosphere.

    It is a forum for discussion of the process and profession of writing where all participants are treated as peers. The focus in misc.writing.moderated is on developing as writers, increasing writing income and/or discussing the process and business of writing.

    Misc.writing.moderated is inclusive in that discussion of all forms of writing is considered appropriate, but it is exclusive in that all discussion must be aimed toward the development of participants as writers, or toward providing cooperative support for their writing and their writing ambitions.

    Misc.writing.moderated accepts reasonable and timely announcements of seminars, conferences, new markets, and other commercial ventures that may be of interest to the practicing writer, though repetitive (defined as more than once per month) commercial announcements are disallowed.

    While questions about writing problems are appropriate in misc.writing.moderated, the posting of long excerpts from written works, or of shorter works in their entirety, is not. Work should only be quoted as part of a larger discussion within a post. This includes, but is not limited to, illustrations of writing technique, questions of why certain passages do or do not work, and short segments designed to spark a discussion about the art or craft of writing. Those looking for critiques are welcome to post URLs where their work can be found, or post an offer to e-mail interested readers.

  3. Q: Why is it moderated?

    A: Misc.writing.moderated is moderated, which means that all articles to the group pass through a review process before being posted. The purpose of moderation is to maintain focussed discussion in an atmosphere of mutual respect. To this end, the Moderators will strive to maintain both focus and cordiality.

  4. Q: How is it moderated?

    Moderation is done by a Moderation Board, consisting of a Head Moderator and several Associate Moderators. Only members of the Moderation Board can approve posts.

    The Moderation Board is:

    John V Ashby
    David M Harris
    Paul Harwood

    The current moderation procedures and policies are described in the Moderation Policy, which is maintained by the Head Moderator. General complaints, dissatisfaction, and grousing about Moderators or the Moderation Policy can be aired on a public, unmoderated mailing list. That list is open to all and will be read by at least one member of the Board.

    The Moderation Policy, or a URL pointing to it, is posted once a week to misc.writing.moderated.

    The precise process is that an article posted to the group is first processed through moderation software which may:

    - Reject it outright if it meets certain criteria (see 6. Current Grounds for Auto-Rejection);

    - Forward it to a Board member if it meets certain other criteria (see 7. Current Grounds for Human Moderation); or

    - Post it immediately.

    A Moderator may place certain individuals or sites that repeatedly post off-charter material on a "Watch List," which will cause their articles to be forwarded to a human Moderator for review (see 10. The Watch List). A Moderator may also declare certain off-charter discussion threads to be "closed," so that no more articles in that thread are to be posted. There is no avenue of appeal for the closure of a thread.

    All posters are initially placed on the Watch List.

    Rejected articles are, if possible, be returned to their sender with a note of explanation. Rejections may be appealed to an appeals address. The appeals address mwm-request/at/panix.com appears in all rejection notices.

    The moderation software maintains a list of "approved" e-mail addresses, articles from which are posted by the software without human moderation. When a poster not on the approved list submits an article, the moderation software will pass the post for human moderation. After three accepted posts the poster becomes eligible for the whitelist and the moderators are automatically alerted to this. The whitelist is based on the email address given in the post, and so if you change your e-mail address as it appears in the From: field, then you will be returned to hand-moderation.

    When approving an article, therefore, a Moderator must determine how closely the article adheres to the charter of misc.writing.moderated.

    Note that this policy represents a change from the previous policy of requiring a keyword to gain a place on the list of approved posters. The keyword is no longer necessary.

    Articles automatically rejected include:

    - Crossposted articles, except: RFDs, CFVs, and related administrative postings (as approved by the moderators of news.announce.newgroups) with followups set to news.groups and/or misc.writing.moderated, articles in response to such postings if only crossposted between news.groups and misc.writing.moderated, and FAQs and similar informational postings (as approved by the moderators of news.answers).

    - Binaries. (Note that this excepts cryptographic authentication such as PGP.)

    - Articles with an empty or missing Subject header.

    - Articles submitted via email with a missing Newsgroups header.

    The moderation software is currently forwarding the following types of articles to human Moderators for review. Since most Moderators actually have lives outside of Usenet, there may be a delay of 24 hours or more before such articles are either posted or returned to their senders.

    - Articles from certain addresses that have posted one or more off-charter articles in the past or who have not yet satisfied the criteria for a position on the list of automatically approved posters.

    The criterion that should be applied uniformly to all articles is: Would a reasonable person agree that this article conforms substantially to the charter for the newsgroup?

  5. Q: What if my news provider/ISP won't let me post?

    We have been experiencing problems receiving posts from posters who use Giganews as their newsfeed or who are hosted by an ISP that contracts with Giganews for their newsfeed. (e.g. comcast.net). The moderators are working to identify and fix the problem. Until that time, you can post to mwm by sending your post to mwm/at/panix.com. You must have a Newsgroup header in your mail, or your post will be rejected.

  6. Q: Where do I find out more information?

    The Charter for misc.writing.moderated can be found at http://writers.internet-resources.com/mwm/Charter.html.
    The Full Moderation Policy is posted regularly to the group and archived at http://writers.internet-resources.com/mwm/ModPolicy.html

    Be warned that the latter is a long and complex document designed to cover all sorts of eventualities we hope will never happen. With luck, all you need to know about the moderation procedure is contained in this FAQ.

    - Grievances or questions can be sent directly to the Moderation Board at mwm.request/at/panix.com

    - General complaints, dissatisfaction, and grousing about Moderators or the Moderation Policy can be aired on the public, unmoderated mailing list http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mwmDiscussion. That list is open to all and is read by at least one member of the Board at all times.

    Comments about this FAQ can be sent to mwm.request/at/panix.com to the attention of the FAQ maintainer (John Ashby).

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  ©   Reproduction or other use without permission will trigger unfortunate consequences.   Last updated on 2007-10-22.

you are here: http://www.internet-resources.com/writers/mwm/FAQ.html