Towse's Links to Online Submission Guidelines -
Agents, Publishers, Markets for Writers


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- S -

Sacramento News & Review PAYS: $$$ not specified
SAIL magazine PAYS: $$$ "varies" [OA]. FNASR and e-magazine rights
Sailing World Snail sub. Query by e-mail. PAYS: Varies. Av. $400 for up to 2K+ wds. [OP]
Saltscapes -- Canada's East Coast Magazine E-sub/E-query OK PAYS: CDN$$$ not specified
Saturday Evening Post PAYS: $25-$400
Scale Auto PDF Guidelines. PAYS: by the page. $$$ not specified [POSTP]
School Transportation News PAYS: $$$ not specified
Scouting Magazine [BSA] PAYS: $300-$500 short feature; $650-$800 major article. [OA] First rights.
Sea Kayaker PAYS: $$$ not specified. E-sub okay.
Seaway's Ships in Scale PAYS: $0.08/wd [OP]
Shades Of Romance Magazine bimonthly. caters to readers and writers of multicultural romance and fiction PAYS: $20/NF; $25/SS [POSTP]
Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot PAYS: $$$ "small honorarium" Buys first English rts. Writer cannot sell/assign other rts for 6 mos after publication without approval of editor.
Sierra Sierra Club magazine. PAYS: Features $800-$3000/ Articles $100-$1500 [OA]
Skydiving PAYS: $1/col inch [POSTP]
SkyWest magazine inflight magazine for United Express & Delta Connection. Most work is assigned. PAYS: $$$ varies [POSTP]
Slot Tech Magazine E-sub/E-query OK. PAYS: $0.10/wd All rts.
Smithsonian Magazine Use Web submission form to submit written proposal 250-300 wds. 550-700 wds humor -> 4K full-length future. PAYS: $$$ not specified. FNASR. 1/3d kill fee. "Last Page" pays $1K-$1500. No kill fee.
Soujourners biblical, social, political, economic, &c. from a progressive Christian perspective E-sub OK. PAYS: $50-$400
South American Explorer PAYS: $50/
Southern Review NO E-SUB PAYS: $30/p prose and poetry. [OP] First American Serial Rights
Sport Fishing - The Magazine of Saltwater Fishing Prefers E-mail. PAYS: $500/features $750/how-to's plus payment for photographs.
SQL Server PAYS: $$$ not specified [OP]
St. Anthony Messenger family-oriented RCatholic PAYS: $0.20/wd FSR [OA]
StarDate [PDF] [magazine] PAYS:$$$ not specified [OA]. Buys FNASR and radio rts
Stone Soup authors through age 13. NO E-SUB. PAYS: $40/
Strange Horizons PAYS: $0.05/wd Min paym: $50. Intel Center in-depth analysis of strategy, tactics and conflicts Query first. E-query. PAYS: $200-$300 for large articles
The Sun NO E-SUBS. Essays, interviews, fiction, and poetry. We tend to favor personal writing PAYS: $300-$1500 for essays and interviews, $300-$1000 for fiction, and $50-$250 for poetry, the amount being determined by length and quality. 1/2 fee for reprints.
Sunset Magazine Travel articles. Buys all rights. PAYS: $$$ not specified. [OA]
Sunset Magazine Gardening articles. Buys all rights. PAYS: $$$ not specified [OA]
Sunset Magazine Recipes. Submit online. Buys all rights. PAYS: $100 [OA]

- T -

T'AI CHI E-subs. No sim subs. No Web availability (on your site or elsewhere). Self-defense, internal skills, health, meditation, fitness, self-improvement, ch'i cultivation, Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture, herbs, massage, etc.) and spiritual growth. PAYS: $75-$500 FNASR [POSTP]
Teaching Theatre (Educational Theatre Association) [PDF] Prefers mss. PAYS: $50-$350/ First pub rts. [OA]
Technology & Learning - The Resource for Education Technology Leaders E-query/E-sub. PAYS: $400+
Technical Support PAYS: $$$ not specified [OP]
Texas Monthly Query first. PAYS: $$$ negotiated [OA]
Texas Parks & Wildlife monthly. E-subs/queries. Query first. News, trends, skill builder, legend, lore and legacy. PAYS: $$$ not specified. [OP]
This Magazine - Canadian alternative. E-query. Query first. PAYS: CDN$ not specified. [OP]
Times of the Islands (Turks & Caicos Islands)Query first. PAYS: ~$0.15/wd ($150 to $600)
TRAINS magazineE-query. PAYS: $0.10/wd for exclusive rts.
Transitions Abroad PAYS: $50-$100
Travelers' Tales (anthologies) - deadlines vary. PAYS: honorarium $100/tale
Treasure Valley Family Magazine (Idaho) PAYS: fees vary. FNASR. [OP]
True Story First person "true" stories. 2K-10K wds. PAYS $0.05/wd. ALL world rts. [OP]
Turtle (Children's Better Health Institute) Fiction/nonfiction -- up to 350 wds PAYS: up to $0.22/wd
TWINS Magazine PAYS: $$$ not specified FNASR [OP]

- U -

Upper Room Ministries daily devotionals. PAYS: $25/devotional [OP]
USDF Connection - United States Dressage Federation. PAYS: $40-$400 FNASR [OA]
U.S. Naval Institute - Proceedings PAYS: $60 to $$150/printed page (approx 1K wds) [OA]
UU World Magazine Query first. PAYS: $$$ not specified

- V -

VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly E-subs OK. Query. NO FICTION. PAYS: $25-$500. See site for rts purchased. [OP]
Vermont Life Online - state sponsored. E-subs OK. Prefers queries. Articles ~ 1800 wds. PAYS: $350-$800 FNASR.
Vestal Review Quarterly. Flash fiction (<500 wds) Reading Periods: Jan-Feb, April-May, Jul-Aug, Oct-Nov; (Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec: returned unread) PAYS: $0.03-$0.10/wd.

- W -

Wanderlust travel. PAYS: £200/1K wds FBSR [POSTP]
Washington Monthly Never publishes fiction, poetry, or celebrity profiles. PAYS: $0.10/wd
Washingtonian Articles must relate to the Washington, DC, area. Lengths vary. PAYS: $0.75/wd. [OP]. FNASR. 50/50 share on second-rights payments thru NYTSyndicate.
Watercolor Magic Query first. Needs feature articles, columns and short essays. Features focus on teaching a watermedia technique. PAYS: $$$ not specified. [PRE-PUB]
WaveLength Magazine PAYS: CDN$50-$100/
Weavings Christian spiritual growth. 1250-2500 wds. E-sub OK. PAYS: $0.11/wd and up. Poetry: $75 and up.
Weekend Adventures Magazine MD/WV/PA Query first. PAYS: $50 [OP]
Weird Tales - Fantasy fiction and poetry. Some NF. Most fiction < 10K wds. Don't send anything longer w/o a query first. Short-short stories OK. E-SUB OK. Check site for temporary submissions closings. PAYS:$0.03-.04/wd. 8-12wks after acceptance. FNASR.
Western New York Family magazine E-subs OK. Prefers evergreens. Current parenting issues with a Western New York tie-in whenever possible. Strong emphasis is placed on how and where to find family-oriented events, as well as goods and services for children, in Western New York. PAYS: $25-$150 depending on type and length of article. 1st rts. [OP]
Wildlife in North Carolina Magazine PAYS: $400/articles and up. FNASR [OA]
Wisconsin Trails PAYS: $0.25/wd one-time rts [OP]
Woman's Day - articles Query first. PAYS: $$$ top rates [OA]
Woman's Day - essays Submit mss. PAYS: $2K/
Woman's Day - no fiction or poetry
Workforce magazine E-sub OK. PAYS: $$$ unspecified
Write From Home Web site. 500-1500wds. Problem-solving articles and essays re managing a writing career at home ... with kids. PAYS: $25/article FER. [OA] (12/2006 - currently overbooked. Don't send queries/articles)
The Writer E-query. E-sub. No fiction or poetry. PAYS: $200-$400/col $300-$500/features First rts. [OA]
Writer's Chronicle E-queries OK. NO E-SUBS. PAYS: $9/100 wds. BUYS: First serial rts and electronic rts. [OP]
Writer's Digest E-subs OK. E-queries OK. Prefers queries. Please submit only one query at a time. PAYS: $0.30-$0.50/wd. FWR. One-time use. [OA]
Writers On The Range Essays and opinion pieces. PAYS: $100-$200/

- X -

- Y -

YES: Canada's science magazine for kids Query first. PAYS: CDN$0.20/wd

- Z -

ZYZZYVA - the journal of west coast artists & writers. NO E-SUBS. NO SIMULTANEOUS SUBS. West Coast writers and artists only. This means currently living in AK, HI, WA, OR, or CA. PAYS:$50 honorarium plus 2c. FNASR & ZYZZYVA anthology rts.[OA]

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Abbreviation cheat sheet

  • CDN$ - Canadian $$

  • FBSR - First British Serial Rights

  • FER - First Electronic Rights

  • FNASR - First North American Serial Rights

  • FRSR - First Regional Serial Rights

  • FWR- First World Rights

  • FWSR- First World Serial Rights

  • H - horror

  • IRC - International Reply Coupon (used in lieu of stamps for submissions out-of-country)

  • K - thousand. i.e. 3K=3,000

  • MYS - mystery

  • OA - pays on acceptance

  • OP - pays on publication (or soon thereafter)

  • POSTP - pays after publication

  • pp - pages

  • SASE - self-addressed stamped envelope

  • SFF - Science Fiction & Fantasy or Speculative Fiction & Fantasy

  • wds - words

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