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Gamasutra - game development PAYS: $??/article
Game Developer magazine E-sub OK. Query. Feature articles, Postmortems, Product Reviews. PAYS: $$ not specified.
Geographical - The Magazine [UK] Monthly. Official magazine of the Royal Geographical Society. PAYS: UK££ not specified
German Life 1200 wds max. PAYS: $300-$500. [OP]
Girls' Life - #1 magazine for girls 10-15. PAYS: $$ not specified
Glimmer Train Stories - Online submission. Submit in Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct. PAYS: $700 [OA] n.b. Some submission periods have a reading fee.
Goldenseal :quarterly publ by the State of WVa, Division of Culture and History PAYS: $0.10/wd for one-time use
GoNOMAD Travel articles. PAYS: $25/article w/ photos. [OP]
Good Old Boat - cruising sailboats 10 years old and older with galleys, bunks, and heads. up to 5K wds. PAYS: $100-$700. $50 book reviews.
Good Old Days Online "real stories of the people who lived and grew up in 'the good old days' (about 1935-1960) PAYS: $$ not specified
Good HousekeepingReal Lives and back page Blessings column only. PAYS: $$ not specified.
Government Executive - monthly for executives and managers in the federal government. E-subs. E-query. Articles. Departments. PAYS: $$ not specified. All rts for publication and all reprint rts. [OA]
Grain Magazine - NO E-SUBS. PAYS: $50/p to max.$225. Unpublished material only. Wk publ'd on-line considered prev. publ'd. First Canadian serial rts.
Gray's Sporting Journal - for discerning people who live the sporting life No e-subs. Features (either fact or fiction) and yarns. Considers only complete manuscripts. PAYS: Feature-$600-$1250. Yarn-$300. Will pay up to $1500. [OP]
GreenPrints - "The Weeder's Digest" PAYS: max $150/article. FNASR. [OA]
Grist - Environmental news & commentary. E-subs OK. online environmental magazine. Main Dish (1K-3K wds). Soapbox (800-1200 wds). Reviews (800-1200 wds). PAYS: $$ not specified. "below market"
Guideposts - monthly inspirational, interfaith pub. first-person narrative E-sub. PAYS: $$ not specified.

Hampton Roads- SEastern VA. PAYS: $$ not specified FNASR. [OP]
Harpers - unsolicited nonfiction must be preceded by written query. PAYS: $$ not specified.
Herizons feminist. PAYS: CDN$0.30/wd. FNASR & non-exclusive sub rts.
Hermes' Portal of interest to a storyguide, player, or troupe involved in Ars Magica. PAYS: $$ not specified
High Country News Western USA. Nonprofit. Natural resource & environmental topics. PAYS: $100-200. [OA]
Highlights for Children - Discourages e-communication. No reprints. PAYS: Fiction (400-800 wds)$100+. Rebus (<125 wds)$75+. Nonfiction (<800 wds)$100+. Crafts $25+. Buys all rights, including copyright. [OA]
Home Education Magazine - E-subs preferred. Any topic of interest to homeschooling families will be considered. Prefers complete article to query. 900-1700 wds. PAYS: $50-$100. FNASR print and e-.
The Horse - equine health PAYS: $$ not specified. [OA]
How Stuff Works - Articles 1K-5K wds. PAYS: $$ not specified. [OP]
HR Magazine PAYS: "only professional freelance writers" Rates vary. Buys all rts.
Humpty Dumpty (Children's Better Health Institute) Fiction/nonfiction. Up to 450 wds. No e-subs. PAYS: up to $0.35/wd. All rts. [OP]

I Love Cats - E-sub. All rts. [OP] Fiction: Up to 1000 wds. PAYS: $50. Nonfiction: Can be longer. PAYS: $50. Color slides always a plus. Short fillers: $25. No poetry. No reprints.
Ideomancer - speculative fiction & poetry PAYS: $0.03/wd up to US$40 for 500-7K wds. $6/poem [OP]
Intelligent Enterprise - for IT and business leaders focusing on business-critical solutions that make organizations smarter, faster, and more profitable. PAYS: $500/
Interzone - science-fiction and fantasy. up to 10K wds. No e-sub. PAYS: UK£££ not specified
Italy: the magazine for lovers of all things Italian PAYS: ££ unspecified.

Jack and Jill (Childrens Better Health Institute). No e-subs. Fiction/nonfiction -- up to 700 wds. PAYS: up to $0.25/wd. All rts. [OP]
The Journal of Adventist Education PAYS: $$ varies [OP] FNASR.
Journey Magazine Bimonthly. AAA memers of WA state and northern ID. Lifestyle. Travel. 500-1800 wds. Up to $1/wd. [OA] FNASR.

KITPLANES magazine Prefers e-sub. PAYS: $70-$105/page free resource for IT professionals PAYS: $0.25/wd min on final, edited wd count. E-query. E-sub. 1000-1500 wds.
La Cocinita Magazine - New Mexico. Monthly. PAYS: $$ not specified. FNASR. [OP]
Lake Superior Magazine - Bimonthly. Prefers complete mss. Fiction, nonfiction, departments, destinations. Feature 1600-2200 wds. Depts & Cols 900-1400 wds. Exclusive focus on Lake Superior region - history, current events, life styles, environment, tourism. PAYS: Up to $600/features. Depts & Cols $65-$125. FNASR & e-rts. [OP]
Legion Magazine - for members of The Royal Canadian Legion and their families. PAYS: CDN$150-$1,200 FNASR [after final edit]
Linn's Stamp News Weekly. PAYS: $40-$75/ FWR.
Literary Traveler 1500-2000 wds. PAYS: $50/article
Living Light News Canadian Christian bi-monthly. No poetry. E-subs OK. PAYS: Articles and news stories: CDN$0.10/wd for FNASR; CDN$0.05/wd for subsequent rights. [OP] Rates for US writers range from $0.05-0.08/wd. Photographs: CDN$20 for first, CDN$10 for subsequent photos. Purchase of rights includes possible posting on Web page.
Living on Earth : NPR weekly one-hour program. PAYS: $100/min

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Abbreviation cheat sheet
  • CDN$ - Canadian $$
  • FER - First Electronic Rights
  • FNASR - First North American Serial Rights
  • FRSR - First Regional Serial Rights
  • FWR- First World Rights
  • H - horror
  • IRC - International Reply Coupon (used in lieu of stamps for submissions out-of-country)
  • K - thousand. i.e. 3K=3,000
  • MYS - mystery
  • OA - pays on acceptance
  • OP - pays on publication (or soon thereafter)
  • POSTP - pays after publication
  • pp - pages
  • SASE - self-addressed stamped envelope
  • SFF - Science Fiction & Fantasy or Speculative Fiction & Fantasy
  • wds - words

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