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Cabin Life Cabin Living-
For people who own cabins, cottages or lakehomes. Departments: 600-1K wds. Features: 1K-4K wds.
PAYS: Varies. All rts. [OA]
California Wild -
Quarterly member magazine for the California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park). Needs articles, departments. 1K-3K wds.
PAYS: $0.30/wd 2wks prior to publication. FNASR and ER for Web.
CALLIOPE - a Cobblestone publ'n PAYS: $0.20-$0.25/wd
CAmagazine (chartered accountants) CDN PAYS: varies
Campus Life (teens) - Christianity Today PAYS: $0.15-$0.20/wd
Canada Lutheran PAYS: CDN$0.10/wd [OP] One-time print rts
Canadian Dimension - for people who want the world to change
in-depth analysis on important political and social issues around the world.
PAYS: honoraria to working writers, photographers and illustrators whose works are published.
Canadian Fly FisherNeeds: 700-2500 wds PAYS: up to CDN$300 FNASR
Canadian Gardening PAYS: CDN$125-$350/
The Canadian Organic Grower
Feature articles. Doesn't pay for opinions or book reviews.
PAYS: Feature article CDN$50-$100.
Canadian Writer's Journal - 90% Canadian content.
E-query and subs. short "how-to" articles. 400-2K wds. also opinion, reviews.
PAYS: CDN$7.50/pg plus copy. one-time rights.
Canter Magazine: Dedicated to the art, culture and history of horses PAYS: $25/article [OP] First-time rts.
Capper's -
Features, poetry, jokes, "heart of the home," recipes. No e-subs. No simultaneous submissions. Articles: 700 wds max
PAYS: $2.50/column inch for features. FNASR. [OP] "Heart of the Home" - all rights.
Caribbean Beat (BWIA in-flight)
Feature articles 1500-3K wds on any subject of general Caribbean interest, or linked with any of BWIA West Indies Airways' Caribbean or international destinations. Shorter material.
PAYS: Features $400. Shorter material up to $200. Worldwide first periodical rts in all languages. Add'l rts - see site. On spec first time, else kill fee. [OP]
Cat Fancy -
Features: 1,200-1,500 wds. Columns. E-query.
PAYS: Features - $200-$400. FNASR. [POSTP]
Catholic Digest E-sub OK. 1000-3500 wds PAYS: $200-$400/article.
Catholic Forester prefers short pieces ~ 1000 wds. E-subs OK. PAYS: ~$0.30/wd $50/reprints
The Cattleman all aspects of the beef industry in TX, OK, and Southwest PAYS: $$$ not specified
Cemetery Dance - Horror. Dark mystery. Suspense
up to 5K wds.
PAYS: $0.03-0.05/wd max $150. plus copies. [POSTP]
Ceramics Monthly PAYS: $0.10/wd - certified (or future certified) IT professionals
Query. E-subs OK. No vendor-generated articles.
PAYS: $75 (reviews) to $200 to $300 (in-depth features) All rts.
Chatelaine Women's magazine. 1200-3000 wds PAYS: CDN$$$ not specified FNASR
Chef Mom (Myria pub) PAYS: $25-$50/feature article
Chicago Reader PAYS: min $75 for shortest items to $3K for cover features First Serial
Chicken Soup - various anthologies. Deadline: varies
inspirational, non-fiction story. 500-1500 wds.
PAYS: $300. All rts.
Chief of Police (American Federation of Police and Concerned Citizens) up to 5K wds PAYS: $25-$100/article including photos [OA]
Child Life (Childrens Better Health Institute) - not accepting manuscripts at this time [ALL RTS]
Child MagazinePAYS: Varies. On acceptance. First-time rts.
Children's Digest (Childrens Better Health Institute) fiction 500-1500 wds/ nonfiction 500-1000 wds PAYS: up to $0.12/wd [ALL RTS]
Children's Ministry Magazine PAYS: $125-$175/
Children's Playmate (Childrens Better Health Institute) Fiction/nonfiction -- 300-700 wds PAYS: up to $0.17/wd [ALL RTS]
Children's Writer-
No reprints. Articles re keeping up-to-date on writing for children, selling their writing, and the juvenile publishing industry. Lead: 850-1200 wds. Secondary: 1200-1500 wds
PAYS: $300 (lead). $300(secondary). First-time rts. [OA]
Christian Home & School Bimonthly. PAYS: $175-$250. [OP]
Christian Science Monitor-
Op-Ed 700 wds. Home Forum 400-1100 wds. E-mail subs OK. Discourages e-mail sub for poetry.
PAYS: $200-225. Op-Ed page $150+. Home Forum $75-$150.
Christian Week - Canadian 300-600 wds PAYS: CDN$30-100 [POSTP]
Chronicle of the Horse - weekly
E-sub if e-query accepted, otherwise snail sub. Query articles. News - major shows. 1500 wds. Articles. Focuses on foxhunting, combined training, dressage, hunters and jumpers, steeplechase racing, trail riding and equine activities for youth.
PAYS: News $165-$220. Articles $150-$250. Pays within a month following acceptance except news [POSTP].
Chronogram - regional magazine of arts, lifestyle, politics. Mid-Hudson counties. 1000-3500 wds PAYS: $$$ "on sliding scale"
CIO Magazine PAYS: $$$ not specified All rts. [OA]
CIRCLE K Kiwanis. Collegiate audience. Queries preferred. 1500-2K wds. PAYS: $150-$400 [OA]
City Legacy - stories of New York City. 1500-3000 wds. PAYS: $0.15/wd min FNASR [OA]
Classic Toy Trains PAYS: $25 per typset column of space that the photos or drawings will occupy when published. [OA]
Classic Trains PAYS: $$$ not specified One-time rts. [OA]
Climbing Magazine
Pls. e-query first. Snail submission. Features 2K-5K wds.
PAYS: Features $0.35/wd. [OP] Depts range from $0.25/ wd to $500/column. See guidelines.
Coastal Living Assigns articles a year in advance 500-1000 wds. E-query OK. NO MANUSCRIPTS! PAYS: $1/wd plus expenses. Pays within 24wks of acceptance.
Coincide Media Online Web sites. PAYS: $25-$75/article. Buys first online rights, exclusive for three months. [OP]
College Bound Magazine- provides high school students with an inside look at all aspects of college life.
Features 700-1500 wds. Departments
PAYS: Feature Departments: $15-$100. Plus 2 issues. First rts. [POSTP]
ColoradoBiz 650-1200 wds. e-query OK. PAYS: $50 -$400/
Colorado Central Magazine
Central Colorado and the San Luis Valley. Features: 600-2500 wds. E-sub OK.
PAYS: $0.05/wd. FRSR. [OP]
Colorado Homes & Lifestyles Depts 1000-1200 wds. Features 1200-1300 wds PAYS: Depts $150-$175. Features $200-$250.
Colored Stone 700-1600 wds PAYS: ~$0.20-$0.25/wd
ColorLines Magazine | Race - Culture - Action Quarterly. 300-2500 wds PAYS: $0.10/wd up to $250 max
Companion Parrot Quarterly PAYS: $0.04/wd to max $200
Computer Bits
Articles 1K-2Kwds. Editorial calendar.
PAYS: $50. FNASR & e-rts. [POSTP]
ComputerUser - advocate for users of computer-related technology
Submit resume w/ 3 published clips. Assigned content. E-subs.
PAYS: Short news & reviews-$50-$100. Articles $750-$1000. FNA print and Web rights and archival and promotional rights.
Feature 1K-1200 wds. Beyond Personal Computing (BPC) 800-1K wds. Columns 800-900 wds.
PAYS: Add'l $$ if appears in > one edition. Feature $100 . BPC $50. Columns $75. FNASR & subsequent electronic publishing rights [POSTP]
ComputorEdge/ComputerScene - Colorado
see above for San Diego specs
Connected Home - IT professionals and home applications PAYS: $$$ not specified [OP]
Conqueror Magazine - Pentecostal [DOC] [magazine] PAYS: $15-$50 [OP]
Conservationist - NY State PAYS: $50-$100/article
Conversely -
high-quality, intelligent and entertaining writing with advice and commentary on relationships. Articles & essays. 750-3K wds. E-mail subs.
PAYS: $50 - $200. Exclusive e-rts for 90d. One-time print anthology rts. [POSTP]
Cornerstone Magazine - accepts poetry only E-sub PAYS: $10-$25
Couloir - backcountry skiing and riding
E-sub OK. See department specs.
PAYS: $0.10-0.30/wd
Country Connection PAYS: CDN$0.10/wd
CQ - Amateur radio PAYS: $$$ "you won't get rich"
The Crafts Report PAYS: varies [OP]
Creation Illustrated - quarterly dedicated to the eternal impact of sharing Biblical truth through the blessings of God's creation.
Snail mail.
PAYS: $50-$100 depending on type. FNASR. [POSTP] Reprint permission required. 25% kill fee for assigned material.
Cruising World
Snail sub. Features, technical articles, general interest.
PAYS: Varies. $50-$200 for short, newsworthy items. $300-$800 for technical and feature articles. All World Periodical Rts. Pays within 90d of acceptance.
Cup of Comfort - anthologies
1K-2K wds. 1st or 3d person narrative or creative nonfiction.
PAYS: $100 for all worldwide book rights. All other rights, including serial and movie, remain with author.

D magazine (Dallas) [PDF] [magazine] E-query, e-sub preferred. PAYS: $$$ not specified [OP]
Dance Teacher 1000-2000 wds. Queries preferred. E-sub/E-query OK. PAYS: $200-$300/ $100/columns [POSTP]
The Decorative Artist's Workbook -
Query in advance. Articles on a wide range of decorative painting subjects, including folk art (such as rosemaling), stroke work, stenciling, fabric painting and faux finishing methods, just to name a few.
PAYS: $200-$300/feature article. FNASR.
Desert USA magazine -
"regional publication, focusing on travel, wildlife, geology, desert lore, cultural and natural history related to the North American Desert regions" E-sub.
PAYS: "we purchase copy" $$$ not specified.
Diagnosis Murder - writers guidelines [DOC]
Dialogue - a publication of Blindskills, Inc. Fiction, nonfiction. No poetry until further notice. E-sub OK. PAYS: $15-$50 $10-$15/poetry FNASR - Digital Culture For Creative Minds E-sub. PAYS: CDN $0.25/wd
Dirt Rag - written by and for real people who ride their bikes offroad
E-sub OK. Features up to 2K wds. Shorter items.
PAYS: ~$0.10/wd. Features ~$200. Sidebars ~$35. One-time use. Reserve reprint rts. [OP]
Dog & Driver - magazine for the International Sled Dog Racing Association
Prefers query first. All aspects of sled dog sports. E-subs OK. Articles 1500-2500 wds. Columns 800-1K wds. Poetry, cartoons, fillers - snail mail subs.
PAYS: $50 features. $25 columns. Shorts, poetry, fillers - 2 copies. One-time rts. [OP]
Dog Fancy -
ideal manuscript 850-1200 wd article accompanied by high-quality color slides or photographs. Query first.
Dollar Stretcher PAYS: $0.10/wd for print version. Nothing for Website use. [OP]
Dollhouse Miniatures -
Query first.
PAYS: Varies. All rts. [OA]
The Door Christian humor and satire PAYS: $$$ not specified
Nonfiction, fiction, poetry. Connect our readers to important social issues through the most compelling writing and photography
PAYS: $$$ not specified. Exclusive worldwide publication rts. [OP]
Down East - "I Remember" reminiscences of Maine. 1500 wds max. $100/
Downstate Story - short stories
Published each fall. Snail mail. Deadline June 30. Short fiction or narrative written to the standards of fiction. <2K wds. Shorter better. NO REPRINTS. Prefer some connection with Illinois or the Midwest.
PAYS: $50. 1st rts incl. Internet publication. [OA]
Dr. Dobb's Journal - real solutions for real programmers
E-sub OK. Query.
PAYS: $$$ not specified. Buys rts to publish article and accompanying code, archive, put on yearly CD.
Dragon Magazine: Dungeons & Dragons game articles for players and Dungeon Masters alike. PAYS: $0.05/wd [OP]
Dragons, Knights, and Angels: the magazine of Christian fantasy and science fiction. Quarterly. Reading periods. PAYS: $0.005/wd up to 2K wds. $30/story for 2K-4K wds. $10/poem
Dramatics [PDF] (Educational Theatre Association) PAYS: $25-$400 First publication rts [OA]
Drexel Online Journal
E-subs. No subs >3K wds. 6x/yr. Fiction (SS to 3K wds), essays (1500-2500 wds), slice (200-800 wds), Travel/place (length open), Commentary (800-1K wds), other, some poetry.
PAYS: Fiction - $200-$350. Essays ($150-$300) Slice ($50-$150) New Terrain ($100-$250) Commentary ($100-$150) Poetry ($25+) [POSTP]
Dungeon [PDF] Dungeons & Dragons modules PAYS: $0.05-$0.06/wd. All rts. [OP]

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Abbreviation cheat sheet
  • CDN$ - Canadian $$
  • FER - First Electronic Rights
  • FNASR - First North American Serial Rights
  • FRSR - First Regional Serial Rights
  • FWR- First World Rights
  • H - horror
  • IRC - International Reply Coupon (used in lieu of stamps for submissions out-of-country)
  • K - thousand. i.e. 3K=3,000
  • MYS - mystery
  • OA - pays on acceptance
  • OP - pays on publication (or soon thereafter)
  • POSTP - pays after publication
  • pp - pages
  • SASE - self-addressed stamped envelope
  • SFF - Science Fiction & Fantasy or Speculative Fiction & Fantasy
  • wds - words

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